RASC Hamilton

RASC Hamilton Calendar Upload Site 

The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) – Hamilton Centre is seeking stunning astrophotography submissions for our upcoming 2026 calendar! We invite RASC Hamilton members to contribute their best cosmic captures to be featured in this exciting publication..

Open only to RASC Hamilton club members

To ensure high-quality images for our club calendar, please follow these photo requirements

  • Format: JPEG or PNG
  • Resolution: Minimum 1920 x 1080 pixels, Maximum 5600 x 4200 pixels. submission guidelines:.
  • Aspect Ratio: 4:3 to fit the calendar layout (16×9 will be cropped to fit)
  • Horizontal Landscape Orientation
  • File Size: Should not exceed 10 MB
  • Quality: High-resolution, clear, and well-lit images
  • 6 image limit per member
  • Subject Matter: Deep space objects, lunar and planetary images, wide-field nightscapes, solar phenomena, and Outreach Events.
  • Credit & Details: Include your name, image title, location, equipment used, and exposure details.
  • Object: Include the most recognizable catalogue number, applicable common names and home constellation or region as well as object type and any interesting details:
    Total integration time:
    Image By: (Your Full Name)
    Date(s) and Location(s) of where you took the image
    Equipment (Telescope/Mount/Filters/Camera):
    Image capturing software used (if applicable):
    Processing software used (ex. Photoshop, Pixinsight, etc…):
    Please remove any copyright info, titles, URLs or anything on the image since it will be judged for selection. You will receive proper credit on the calendar page as well as a thumbnail page image and credit on a separate “Images” list.

I have it setup for 6 images. You can come back anytime and replace an image if you decide that you have a better image. Just click on the link to open your images and select the one you want to remove with the clear button .

Click here and select Register to Create A User to Upload Photos and to Login

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